Jun 30, 2014

Overview - The Geography of Palestine

For this first post, we create an overview of the regional landscape that consisted of the land of the Bible.

Mountain Region (Hill Country)
Let’s begin with the heartland of Israel, the “mountain” region, which is usually called in our Bibles the “hill country.” Jerusalem, Shechem, Shiloh and other very important sites in Israelite history were situated there.  Today this represents mostly the territories of the Palestinian Authority.  You will see that the Israelite Hill country (the “mountain region”) looks more like denuded hills.  In the ancient world already, heavy logging created ecological problems and in the course of centuries and millennia the landscape of the hill country was transformed from wooded lands to what it is today.  Cultivating the land was hard (imagine the first farmers in New Hampshire, dealing with densely wooded area to create arable fields).  As a result, to generate food sources and engage in commerce, the early Israelites used terracing for the cultivation of fruit trees, vineyard and olive trees. Life in the highlands was tough, simple and relatively isolated.
  • Scripture Reference: Joshua 12:7-8
  • Text References: CBA maps 6-8, AOT pp. 75-81